About Me

profileI was born in France at Saint Fermain en Laye in 1989. But in my early ages my parents moved up to Catalonia (Spain), in a small seaside town called l’Escala (famous for their anchovies). In my childhood i’ve spend a lot of free time drawing. My favourite subjects were the animals, dinosaurs and any kind of monsters.

At the age of 17 i’ve moved to Barcelona to study Industrial Design, what I’ve just finished.

I do not pretend to be a god artist or illustrator, I just enjoy spending my free time drawing, painting, making all kind of stuff where I develop my imagination. I use this web to share my work without any pretention.

I’m also a musician amateur, but this is not the place to talk about this.

Some people tell me I must have a lot of free time to do this. I reply that I just prefer to spend my time with this rather than watching tv series on internet or playing videogames.

Contact: talagan_workshop@yahoo.com